The Vitals Date: April 14-17, 2022 Location: Lower Vancouver Island Distance: ~250 km Photos: Brittany Resources: The Trip It’s been a long winter and an even longer break since we had gone camping or done a bike trip longer than one night. Easter weekend was looking okay in terms of weather and it seemed […]
Photo of seaside riding next to the Dardanelles looking across to Gallipoli. The note from the policeman was in Turkish but it was 2012 and we were travelling without a stove, let alone a phone with a data plan. The day had begun sunny and warm as I and my cycling partner rode along the […]
The Vitals Date: September 3 – 6, 2021 Location: Sechelt Inlet Partners: Brittany, Will, Anne, Alex, Nikki, Christian, Nicole, Dawn, Matt Distance Paddled: ~50 km Photos: Brittany and Anne The Trip One of the last really big group camping trips Brittany and I went on was a kayaking trip in the Broken Islands. That trip […]
The Vitals Date: July 31 – August 2, 2021 Location: Place Glacier Partners: Brittany, Will Bears: 1 Photos: Brittany The Trip I am getting a little older and a little less motivated and that’s okay. For the August long weekend I wanted to head north of Pemberton and scramble some or all of Beaujolais Peak, […]
The Vitals Date: July 24-25, 2021 Location: White Lakes near Pemberton, BC Distance: ~10 km Partners: Scott Photos: Scott The Trip White Lakes are a collection of four small lakes north of Saxifrage peak near Pemberton with no established trail. I knew the Spetch Creek FSR was in decent shape after scrambling Saxifrage and Cassiope […]
The Vitals Date: July 1-3, 2021 Location: Pinecone Burke Provincial Park (Circumnavigation of Pinecone Lake) Distance: ~20 km Partners: Brittany, Will, Anne, Dave, Alex Bears: 3 Photos: Brittany The Trip The above map was sketched and annotated by Will after the trip. We followed this loop clockwise from where the marked trail meets it at […]
The Vitals Date: May 22-23, 2021 Location: Birkenhead Distance: ~100 km Partner: Brittany Bears: 4 Photos: Brittany The Trip Saturday Night Lake Loop is a ~25km trail in Jasper National Park that Brittany and I rode in 2016. We did not have a good time as we slipped and skidded over greasy roots in clouds […]
The Vitals Date: March 26-27, 2021 Location: Garibaldi Provincial Park, BC Distance: ~40 km, 1400+ meters Partners: Will, Dave, and Alex Resources: Exploring the Coast Mountains on Skis, Gaia GPS, map from the VOC The Trip Will referred to a traverse of the Garibaldi Neve as “a hole in my resume”, which is a good […]
The Vitals Date: October 17, 2020 Location: Lower Mainland, BC Distance: 200.8 km, 880 m elevation Partner: Brittany The Trip One Saturday last October we left home around 10 a.m. to ride down to Point Roberts and make a small tour of that orphaned piece of Washington state. We added a little loop around Richmond […]
The Vitals Date: August 30 – September 3, 2020 Location: Fernie, BC Distance: ~270 km Partner: Brittany Resources: Ride with GPS Route Photos: Brittany The Trip Labour day is the traditional end to the summer season. The days are usually warm, but not hot, and you can put all the fitness you gained in a […]
The Vitals Date: August 9 – 10, 2020 Location: Coquihalla/Tulameen, BC Distance: ~105 km Partner: Brittany Resources: Strava route Photos: Brittany The Trip Brittany spent three quiet weeks this summer in a town of 250 people in northern BC but when she returned on a Saturday she was looking to get out and do something […]
The Vitals Date: August 1 – 3, 2020 Location: Downton Creek Area (near Lillooet, BC) Distance: ~29 km Partners: Anne and Will Resources: Matt Gunn’s Scrambles Guidebook, 1:50000 topo map 92J09, Bivouac Trip report, Steven Song The Trip Before this summer I wanted to try at least a few trips that are not well-established traverses […]
The Vitals Date: July 5 – 10, 2020 Location: Vicinity of Birkenhead Lake Provincial Park, BC Distance: ~80 km Partners: Brittany and Will Resources: Matt Gunn’s Scrambles Guidebook, VOC Wiki, Cadwallader Range Traverse Trip Report, Traverse from Tenquille Lake to Snout Peak Trip Report, 1:50000 topo map 92J10 (Resource for any 1:50000 map), Satellite imagery […]
The Vitals Date: June 20 – 21, 2020 Location: Vancouver to Whistler, BC Distance: ~130 km Partners: Brittany, Will, Matt, Dawn, Michael Resources: Indian Arm to Squamish, Squamish to Whistler Photos: Brittany The Trip In 2017 and 2018 I participated in the local incarnation of the “Swift Campout” solstice weekend bike and camp outing. The […]
The Vitals Date: January 18 to January 22, 2020 Location: Eldorado Cabin, South Chilcotins Distance: ~55 km, 3500 meters in 4 days Partners: Dan, Eric, Alex, Jon, Nick, Dave, Brandon Resources: Exploring the Coast Mountains on Skis, Tyax Adventures The Trip Before the start of “high” season in late January, the privately operated Eldorado Cabin […]